Dreamboard 1.1.4

Dreamboard 1.1.4
Advanced Theming Platform. Take control over SpringBoard! Dreamboard lets you place anything from widgets to apps where ever you want. Theming is no longer limited to just icons, or having to resort to complicated setup themes involving Iconoclasm, SpringJumps, etc. Dreamboard makes it easy to switch between any theme in just a few seconds. Simply launch, choose and apply! And, Dreamboard eliminates the long wait of having to restart Springboard everytime you make a change. No more resprings! Dreamboard includes a complementary copy of Endroid (HTC theme). 

Update : Version 1.1.3 released ! Crack is out !! [Credits to Fabius]

v 1.1.4 

iOS 5 support
                                       DOWNLOAD MULTIUPLOAD Link

1.1.3 - June 15, 2011
FIX: Keyboard glitches/conflicts

1.1.2 - June 13, 2011
NEW: App Icon Badges
NEW: Widgets with keyboard support
NEW: Automatic Caching
NEW: Expose Style theme switcher
NEW: LockView
NEW: Dynamic Views
UPDATE: New Actions
UPDATE: Functions
UPDATE: Variables
UPDATE: Endroid Update
FIX: Overall bug fixes
FIX: Improved Grid performance

Download 1.1.4 Cracked : DOWNLOAD MULTIUPLOAD Link
You need to be connected via WiFi or 3G while installing the DEB!!!
If you have installed "DreamBoard Connection Blocker" you can safely uninstall it whenever you want.
Directly Install Dreamboard From Cydia Click Here

Not recommended for iPhone 3G, iPod 2G, or iPod 3G 8GB. Tested on 4.1, 4.2.1 and 4.3.1

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