Battery Fix for iOS 5 iPhones Relesed by "Xvolks" friend of famous iphone hacker "pod2g"
French iPhone hacker Xvolks, friends with the infamous Pod2g of Chronic Dev Team, has released a Cydia tweak that enables owners of jailbroken iPhones to extend their battery life up to two times the normal span under iOS 5.
Cydia, the equivalent of Apple’s App Store on jailbroken devices, now offers BattSaver version 1.0.2 – said to be the only Cydia tweak that can double battery life.
According to Xvolks, “Experience shows that the battery can last 2 times longer with BattSaver running!” He says his software regulates the power drainage caused by the phone’s radios, particularly the cellular ones.
“Everyone knows that the most battery eater is the data/3G activity. BattSaver will control the state of the radios for you,” according to Xvolks.
The hacker says his software is “clever,” in that it automatically switches off battery-draining components when unused, and that it also extends the life span of your iPhone’s battery by reducing charge cycles.
It includes monitoring screens that enable you to check battery state in real-time and features pull-to-refresh functionality (like Twitter and Facebook).
BattSaver is compatible with iPhone and iPad and requires iPhone OS 5.0 or later. It costs $2.99, or about €2.4.
Short battery life is not a new problem in the iOS ecosystem. Far from it. The problem, however, really became widespread with the arrival of iOS 5, which appears to put Apple’s hardware under heavy workload.
Hackers diligently wait for Apple to deal with these issues, but when the company fails to address key problems such as battery life, they like to take matters into their own hands.
As the fledging is still experiencing outages (because of unexpected high demand, most likely), Pod2g advisesjailbreakers to simply access Cydia, update the online venue, and then search for BattSaver.
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